China Merchants Bank

Foster + Partners

China Merchants Bank Headquarters is located in Shenzhen, China - currently under construction. Situated in Shenzhen Bay within the Super Headquarters District it is the first building within the area to be approved, commissioned through China Merchants Bank with the aim of consolidating their core work force to one central location. I joined the project in November 2020 whilst beginning RIBA Stage 2 (Concept Design) and furthermore progressing into RIBA Stage 3 (Developed Design). My deliverables throughout this period would focus on building the bones of the project in a revit format and developing the internal space planning to form the overall programme in preparation for planning submission. Following submission the project team are currently focused on progressing through RIBA Stage 4 (Technical Design) of which I am continuing my focus on the development of the internal space planning within the basement area and above ground.

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Image Credit : Foster + Partners - China Merchants Bank Headquarters

Image Credit : Foster + Partners - China Merchants Bank Headquarters


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